
Self-signed certificates with mkcert

In a previous sticky I briefly put down how to get a quick'n'dirty self-signed TLS1 certificate, but also mentioned mkcert.dev, which makes it a bit better for some use cases.

Install mkcert

# Windows, with scoop (it's like homebrew)
scoop bucket add extras # skip if you have done this already
scoop install mkcert

Non-Windows users find more ways under mkcert install.


mkcert -install

This creates a CA certificate and puts it into the places to get it trusted; at least it tries to. This needs to be done only once.

Windows users: Run this in a powershell with administrator privileges, otherwise some steps might fail!

Generate some useful certificates

# powershell (uses ` instead of \ for multiline commands)
mkcert `
  -ecdsa `
  -cert-file mydomains.pem `
  -key-file mydomains-key.pem `
  markentier.test "*.markentier.test" `
  unicorn.test "*.unicorn.test" `
  rainbow.test "*.rainbow.test" `
  localhost ` ::1


  • The PEM files (certificate and key) will be created in the location where you executed this command.
  • Remove -ecdsa option if you have troubles with this algorithm.
  • The certificate will be usable for some fake domains, both with and without a subdomain (only a single level2).
  • Those domains shouldn't be public internet stuff, thus .test is a nice top-level domain to pick, as it's reserved for—you guessed it—testing.
  • The certificate will expire in 2 years and 3 months. Apparently also not configurable at all.
  • Yes, you can add many different domains into a single certificate; that's how some interwebz providers do as well.
  • Adding localhost for good measure …
  • … as well as the local loopback IPs in v4 and v6.

Bonus: Get a .pfx file

For some things you might need a PFX file instead of just the PEM. With the openssl tool you can create one.

# powershell
openssl pkcs12 -export `
  -out mydomains.pfx `
  -inkey mydomains-key.pem `
  -in mydomains.pem

While mkcert also comes with a -pkcs12 option, I usually create the regular PEM version first and only get a PFX derived from that if needed.

Bonus: Custom domains to localhost

Not a mkcert issue, but you want to add some entries to your /etc/hosts file if you do web development. For Windows users that's under



Using some of the domain names from above:

### markentier.test markentier.test www.markentier.test web.markentier.test
::1 markentier.test www.markentier.test web.markentier.test

### unicorn.test unicorn.test www.unicorn.test web.unicorn.test
::1 unicorn.test www.unicorn.test web.unicorn.test

# insert more as needed


  • If you have PowerToys installed, it ships with a hosts file editor; this way it's less likely to mess it up.
  • Interestingly it also notes that you can only add up to 9 hosts per address (per line I guess). I never tried, but I also chunk my definitions up into multiple address mappings anyway.
  • As you might have noticed, no wildcards allowed.

That's it.

Have fun with your custom testing domains. Now you can build apps expecting TLS, like PWAs (service workers), or using QUIC and gRPC protocols.


Reminder, only marketing "needs" to talk about SSL, but as said in the past, you definitely only want to use the TLS versions of the protocol, nothing else. (Ideally TLS v1.3, but version 1.2 is still fine.)


To create more levels of subdomain, you probably need to specify each level with one wildcard, like my.domain *.my.domain *.sub1.my.domain *.sub2.my.domain *.subsub.sub1.my.domain … and so on …